
¿Qué tanto sabes sobre phrasal verbs de viajes? ¡Mide tu nivel de inglés!

    test-ingles-phrasal verbs

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    Responde el siguiente test, realizado por el Centro de Idiomas de la Fundación Universitaria Compensar, y pon a prueba tus conocimientos del idioma inglés relacionados con phrasal verbs para usar durante un viaje.  

     Test: How much do you know about phrasal verbs to talk about travel?

    1. When you are excited about your vacation all you want is to ______the plane quickly.

    Feliz emoción de la familia y sus hijos comprando el pago de un billete de avión reservando

    2. When your trip is over, you must _________ of the hotel and say goodbye to the beach.


    3. When you arrive at the airport someone _________ up to take you to your hotel


    4. If you want to take a tour around Medellín, there is a bus that __________ in different locations around the city.


    5. When the plane is about to ________ all the passengers must be in the departure lounge.


    6. When you arrive in a new place, all you want is to ________the area to get to know it better.


    7. Whenever you finish a wonderful trip, you think that you would like to _________ at some point


    8. When one of your friends ______ on a trip to a beautiful place, you want to go too.


    9. You must _________and pack your bags because a new trip awaits you.


    10. The plane has __________and you start a new adventure.


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